Transformer Daily maintenance Inspection Checklist
Format and Types of checkpoints.

  1. What is the transformer daily maintenance inspection checklist.
  2. Format of transformer daily checklist.
  3. Checkpoints of daily inspection checklist.

1- What is the Transformer daily maintenance inspection checklist:

Transformer checklist is a inspection type checklist where the all parts of transformer is inspected visibly. Status of all parts and efficiency are noted down in checklist. Here some points are focused as a input and output voltage status, load, Tap changing tap status, measuring meters, OTI, WTI and buckholze relay.

2- Transformer Daily checklist format :

Transformer daily maintenance inspection checlist: Format and checkpoints.

3- Checkpoints of transformer daily inspection checklist. :

Different types checkpoints are executed on the transformer during daily check which below mentioned.

  • Input and out put voltage.
  • Voltage tap counter status
  • Silica gel color status.
  • Transformer oil level status.
  • Winding temp status.
  • Oil level temp status.
  • Check any leakage in transformer body.
  • Abnormal sound in transformer body.
Observation and action taken.

First of all we should check abnormal sound, any oil leakage from oil tank. Check the color of silica gel if the color is pink then silica gel will be replaced.

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