Electrical Safety Protection
Types, Rules and safety tips.

  1. Electrical safety.
  2. Types of electrical safety.

1 - What is the Electrical safety?:

Electrical system is very useful to human. The life of human is very comfortable with use of electricity. Many equipments are using according requirement as fan, motor, blower, AC etc. During operate and maintenance of these equipments, we will have to keep in mind for electrical safety. Different types electrical safeties are used as PPE, insulated tools, LOTO procedure, earthing and many more.

Electrical safety:schematic diagram, types and their functions.

1 - Types of electrical safety:

  • Electrical earthing.
  • Electrical LOTO procedure.
  • Electrical safety rubber mat.
  • Electrical safety display posters.
  • Electrical safety sign board.
  • Safety tools and tackles.
  • Electrical PPE- Personal protective equipment.
1 - Electrical earthing:

Electrical earthing is the important safety system and it prevents from leakage current in equipment body. Earth wire is connected to equipment body and leakage current is circular into ground through earthing. So in this way when any human touch the equipment body then the leakage current will not be affected.

  • Plate earthing.
  • Pipe earthing.
  • Chemical earthing.
  • Rod earthing.
  • Conductor earthing.
2 - Electrical LOTO procedure.:

When a equipment fails then maintenance activity is carried out. During maintenance activity the incoming energy source is disconnected for safety. If the primary source is not locked during maintenance activity then by mistake other person can switch on the energy source so this situation may be dangers for maintenance worker.

So for stopping this mis- happening incident the LOTO procedure is used. In this system incoming energy source is switched Off and locked so that any one can not start. A DO Not Operate tag is also installed on it with authorized name and phone no.

3 - Electrical safety rubber mat.:

Electrical safety rubber is called as insulation safety mat. It is protected to us from electrical shock. It is used infront of electrical panel. During panel operation leakage electrical current may be dangerous for technical person. It is comes in market according panel voltage ratings. The details of mat below mentioned as per voltage ratings.

  • Panel voltage 3.3 KV = 2mm thickness of Mat
  • Panel voltage 3.3 KV = 2.5mm thickness of Mat
  • Panel voltage 3.3 KV = 3.0mm thickness of Mat
4 - Electrical safety display posters.:

Electrical system is a boon for human but due to wrong use it can be danger.For electrical safety, the display poster are very important for increasing safety awareness. Safety instructions are mentioned on it step by step. It is installed on electrical room, transformer, HT room, substations etc.

5 - Electrical safety sign board.:

Electrical safety sign board is a important part for safety. It is called another name as danger sign board and danger word is mentioned on it. It is installed on electrical panels, substations, high voltage transformers etc.

6 - Electrical safety tools and tackles.:

During maintenance activity the tools should be insulated properly like as all type pliers, screw driver set etc.

7 - Electrical PPE- Personal protective equipment.:

During maintenance activity protective equipments are used as safety helmet, safety shoes, HT gloves etc.

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