HT Trivector Energy Meter
Connection diagram and Technical features
1 - What is the Trivector Energy Meter

HT Meter is used for measuring HT power consumption for any premises. It is used as 11 KV or 33 KV. It is
installed in
the HT room on any premises near the entrance gate. Energy is measured in Kilo volt amp hour (KVAH) and it
billed by
gov authority. It is also known as the tri vector is measured as three vector KW, KVA, KVAR.
it takes input from Current Transformer (CT) and PT after that it calculates in different required
then it
provides us consumption data of current, voltage, active load, reactive load.
The Micro controller is used for programming for counting MD, reset, data transferring, etc.
2 - HT meter connection diagram with CT and PT.

3 - Technical features of HT Meter:
- Data reset: A - Manual Mode. B- Auto Monthly.
- MD data store: Maximum three type.
- Tariff structure: Meter can be defined many tariffs as per time, season, special day by Authority. For exp - day time, evening time Night, winter, summer, holiday, etc.
- Failure data saving: voltage failure, voltage unbalance, current unbalance, voltage unbalance, low power factor, etc.
- Power Supply failure data save: Maximum three type. Maximum three type.
- Instantaneous Parameters: It will record the instantaneous voltage, current, power factor, power, Phase sequence, rising demand.
4 - Technical parameters of HT meter:
Sr.No. | Parameters | Value |
1 | Voltage ratings: | 3x63.5/110 volt |
2 | Current Ratings: | 5 A |
3 | Maximum current | 120 % on normal current |
4 | Frequency | 50 Hz +/- 5% |
5 | System Voltage | 11k /33k |
6 | Voltage range | -40% to + 20% |
7 | Power factor | -1 to +1 |