Pre Paid Energy Meter
Connection Diagram, Working Principle and Features.
1 - Prepaid Energy Meter:
Prepaid energy meter is a power measuring device which is used in residential societies and Commercial high rise buildings to pay the money in advance for using power for utilization. It is called as smart digital energy meter. After starting Consumption of load, the paid amount is started to deduct according using power unit.

2 - Types of Prepaid Energy Meter::
Four type prepaid energy are used in Commercial residential etc. Details below mentioned.
- Single phase prepaid energy meter
- Three phase prepaid energy meter
- Single phase dual source prepaid energy meter
- Three phase dual source prepaid energy meter
3 - Circuit Diagram of Pre Paid Energy Meter.:

4 - Smart working system of prepaid energy meter::
Prepaid meter is not only energy consuming device but also it is as smart digital system.
- Prepaid meter
- CIU- customer interface unit and STTD- Soft token transfer device
- Vending station
- Communication using internet
- prepayment server
- Payment gateway of utility
- Payment Gateway
5 - Features of Prepaid Energy Meter:
1- Display Parameters on auto scroll mode:
Many parameters are displayed on meter display continue one by one on auto mode. Types of scroll parameters are given below mentioned
- Increasing energy consumption in KWh with EB source status
- Increasing energy consumption in KVAh with EB source status
- Increasing energy consumption in KWh with DG source status
- Increasing energy consumption in KVAh with DG source status
- Instantaneous credit balance with source status
2- Types of Push button Display mode:
Meter has many mode on display. It all can be activated on display by pressing the push button.
- LCD display check
- Meter serial number
- Current date and time.
- R phase voltage.
- Y phase voltage.
- B phase voltage.
- R phase current.
- Y phase current.
- B phase current
- power factor
- MD in KW with EB.
- MD in KW DG
- Last month consumed EB energy KWH unit with amount.
- Last month consumed DG energy KWH unit with amount.
6 - Recharge process of Prepaid Energy Meter:
Recharging process of prepaid meter.
- Visit at vending station by consumer.
- Login the prepayment server and open customer account
- Open he payment gateway with cash, credit or debit card.
- After transaction cleared the credit token or slip is generated.
- Token is printed and received by consumer.
- Consumer recharges his own meter with the help of token.
- After recharging the amount, the prepaid meter is activated and amount detail can be checked on display.