Water Treatment Plant health Checklist
Format, important points of checklist and observation.
1- Health checklist of WTP- (water treatment plant) :
WTP health checklist is a inspection type checklist where the all equipment of water treatment plant is
visibly and on load condition so that the health condition of equipment could be check properly. If found any
problem then we can note down for rectification.
Status of all parts and efficiency are noted down in checklist.
Here some points are focused as health status of water MGF filter, pumps and motors, RO and softener plant
2- WTP health checklist format :

3- Details of checkpoints in WTP. :
Different types checkpoints are executed in the WTP plant during daily check which below mentioned.
1- Checkpoints
- Water flow meters.
- Water level sensor of water tank.
- Any leakage in water line.
- Status of water multi grade filter .
- All water pump health status as abnormal sound, leakage problem etc.
- All water pump motor health status as abnormal sound, load capacity, heating etc.
- Check the condition of water as TDS and hardness value.
- Check the softener plant salt charging and water hardness.
- Check the RO water TDS value.
2- Observation:
During inspection of above mention points if we find any problem in WTP plant just like as abnormal sound in pump, motor or any leakage in water line or across required limit of water hardness and TDS value.
3- Action taken:
according health checklist we should make a fault or err list according its severity. We can categorized the fault list as normal and major. The normal fault is rectified by inhouse team and major fault is rectified in weekend by inhouse team or OEM vendor.