PPM- Planned Preventive Maintenance
checklist, schedule and working process.

  1. What is the PPM?
  2. Parts of PPM process

1 - What is the PPM- Planned Preventive Maintenance?:

It is the pre planned maintenance activity which is used for improving equipment health and performance. It is planned in annually with different type of maintenance frequency as weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. it is planned for one year schedule and it is implemented with PPM schedule and PPM checklist.

PPM maintenance or planned preventive maintenace

2 - Breakdown of PPM :

PPM process is the group of different parts as below mentioned.

  • Annual or fifty two weeks Schedule.
  • PPM checklist.
  • Required tools
  • Safety guideline
  • Maintenance activity process.
  • PPM observation
1 - Annual or fifty two weeks Schedule:
 PPM maintenance or Planned Preventive Maintenance Checklist, schedule and working process.
2 - PPM Maintenance Checklists:

A annually preplanned schedule is prepared and it is called a another name as 52 week schedule. It is prepared in different maintenance frequency as below mentioned.

  • Weekly
  • Fortnigh tly
  • Quarterly
  • Half yearly
  • Yearly
3 - Required Tools:

Tools is the important part of maintenance. Make a required tools list according equipments and tools should be insulated.

4 - Safety guideline:

A safety guideline list is followed before start maintenance activity as below mentioned.

  • Use insulated tolls.
  • Incoming power source is isolated as electrical, mechanical or hydraulic.
  • LOTO- lock out or tag out safety system is used.
5 - Working Process PPM Activity.:

Maintenance activity is carried out as below mentioned points.

  • Follow all safety precaution.
  • Clean the equipment with air blower and clothe.
  • Check all connection and thimbles as loose or hot spot.
  • Check any abnormal sound problem.
  • Check equipment performance according capacity.
  • Check all parameters according default value.
6 - PPM Observation:

During maintenance activity if any part is mall function then replace it. Equipment has any abnormal sound then rectify it. If the performance of equipment is low then improve it. Fill the parameters data on load for reference.

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